The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is clearly seen in the numbers: more than 3.1 million deaths and rising, 120 million people pushed into extreme poverty, and a massive global recession. As suffering and poverty have risen, some data show an increase in another extreme: the wealth of billionaires. With both ext...

The gap between rich and poor during the pandemic

The gap between rich and poor during the pandemic

Covid-19 is reopening a rift between economies inthe worlds richest and poorest nations,driven by growth rates that are moving firmly in opposite directions. In the U.S., economists are forecasting a return to boomtime growth levels of the roaring 20s; Chinas economy expanded at a record 18.3% in the first quarter; and ...

Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information Systems

Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information Systems

Big data analytics and business analytics are a disruptive technology and innovative solution for enterprise development. However, what is the relationship between business analytics, big data analy- tics, and enterprise information systems (EIS)? How can business analytics enhance the development of EIS? How can analyt...

Big data analytics and business analytics Lian

Big data analytics and business analytics Lian

头条新闻栏目的热点新闻系列,北京首次抽检京Ⅵ汽油 存质量问题将被调查和处罚...

<b>Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information</b>

Business Analytics-Based Enterprise Information

头条新闻栏目的热点新闻系列,画面莫名喜感 交警巡查拿下一车“神仙妖怪”...

Analytics-Based Enterprise Information

Analytics-Based Enterprise Information

头条新闻栏目的热点新闻系列,[新春走基层]冬闲种大棚 蘑菇撑起“致富伞”...